Celebrating our 90th Anniversary
In 2016 we observed the 90th anniversary of the first Pilgrimage Service, held on Sunday, August 29, 1926. The printed invitation that year was simpler in style, but conveyed pride in the restoration of the Elder Grey Meeting House that had been accomplished.
Among those contributing to the restoration are on record:
Mrs. Maria Kimball gave the paint for outside of the church. Ladies' Aid of No. Waterboro gave the proceeds of a supper towards the windows. Carll Brothers of So. Waterboro gave a 25% discount on the roofing. Mr. Marble of So. Waterboro gave a discount on the shutters. Mr. Elwin Carll gave a 20% discount on curtains and paper. Mr. Elmer Day, Harry Swett, Chester Chadbourne and Herbert Bradeen have given days' work to put the old church in its present condition. The Committee wishes to thank all who have helped in any way: Martha Goodwin, Annie E. Sinclair, Chester Chadbourne, and Herbert Bradeen, Chairman.
The minutes of the meeting were written by Ella P. Bradeen, Secretary:
Mrs. Eva Davis Shapleigh had invitations printed for a Pilgrimage Service to be held at the Elder Grey Meeting House on Bradeen's Ridge. And there was a house full. Rev. Lester Holmes gave the address and some others talked, which made it a helpful service. Mrs. Fannie McDaniel gave a nice talk on the past. And Mrs. Maria Grey Kimball talked on the present.
The future will be for all to see that the old house of God is kept in its present condition and still be a monument to those that are asleep in death across the way.
It was announced at the meeting that there would be no collection taken. But if anyone wanted to give, the plate was on the table. And a goodly sum was received of $26.51. And a check of ten dollars from Clara Bradeen Joyce and one of the same from Mary Sinkinson was added to the collection, making a balance of $46.51.
A new committee was appointed and they are as follows: Mrs. Fannie McDaniel, Annie Sinclair, Mary L. S. Goul and Eva Davis Shapleigh. Some little time after the meeting…received ten dollars from Dana Walton and three dollars from Ernest Stowers.