Annual Pilgrimage Service
Sunday, August 4 at 2:00 p.m.
2024 Pilrimage Service
This year's Pilgrimage Service was held Sunday, August 4 at 2:00 p.m. at the Meeting House on Chadbourne Ridge Road, with the Rev. Judy Braun as guest minister. Special music was provided by Andrew Martelle and his son Sam on the violin and his son Wilder on the guitar.
When it was necessary for Rev. Judy Braun to apologetically bow out last year, we were pleased that she agreed to speak to us this year instead. Rev. Judy retired from her position as a CAT scan technologist at Maine Medical Center in 2012 and that September was ordained as Assistant Pastor/teacher to the Congregational Church in Cumberland, Maine. She served there for six years developing a ministry of artists in the congregation. She also led a weekly Bible study for a group of approximately eight people as well as a ministry to the local assisted living facility in Yarmouth. From 2016 to 2021, she was a hospice chaplain for Northern Light Home Health and Hospice, serving the area south of Portland.
Having grown up in Wadsworth, Ohio, she traveled with her military husband, eventually coming to Portland. She lived in Windham for over forty years where she raised two children. She has three grandchildren in Massachusetts. Besides writing her personal memoir, she is currently serving the Inn at Village Square in Gorham as a group spiritual leader. She is a Master level Reiki practitioner and loves to garden at her home in Alfred where she lives with her dog, Panda.
The Announcement and Order of Service is available here for downloading and printing.
2024 Annual Business Meeting
The annual business meeting was held at the Meeting House following the service and refreshments.
Most Recent Past Services
The annual pilgrimage service at the Elder Grey Meeting House was held on Sunday, August 6, 2023 at 2 pm. It was a perfect day weather-wise, and Rev. John Cole, filling in for Rev. Judy Braun, delivered the sermon. Sharon Michaud once again provided the music on our pump organ. Later in the afternoon a brief military graveside service was held at the cemetery across the road for former President Donald Clowes. Download the Order of Service here. The annual business meeting followed at the Meeting House following the service. 2023-2024 leadership and Association history.
The 2022 Elder Grey Meeting House Pilgrimage Service was held on August 7th, a 95+ degree day. Those who braved the heat and humidity enjoyed the sermon and the music. Alex Luhtjarv, a member of the Robator family, led the service and delivered the address. Andrew Martelle, a member of The Mallett Brothers Band, played two violin solos. Alex's wife Karla has family connections to the Elder Grey community going back many generations. He serves as the Senior Deacon at the United Parish in Winchendon, MA, a blended multi-denominational faith community. Alex has taught social studies for 21 years at Hillsboro-Deering High School in Hillsboro, NH. He and his family recently moved to Hillsboro after living many years in Rindge, NH. Alex and his wife Karla have six children, including five-year-old twins, who do their best to keep them busy. He is president of his teachers' union as well as a local scholarship organization. When not at church or school, he enjoys reading, hiking and cheering on the Boston Red Sox. Here you can read and download the announcment of the 2022 service and the order of worship. The annual business meeting was held at the Meeting House following the service.
The First Service
Every year on the first Sunday in August, neighbors, extended families, individuals with historic ties and/or a special interest in the North Waterboro community, or just plain local history buffs, gather for what has traditionally been called a Pilgrimage Service at the Elder Grey Meeting House. Except for the dress of those in attendance and the cars parked along both sides of the lovely old country road, this scene could have occurred one or two hundred years ago. Read more about that first Service here > >.
The annual August Pilgrimage Service has evolved to be less formal and strict in style and attire. However, even now the children (and adults) may well be advised not to "run out" and "shift seats," as warned against in this 1787 list of rules.
[This page is from A Little Pretty Pocket-Book, first printed by John Newbery, London, 1744; first American edition issued in 1787 by Isaiah Thomas, Worcester, MA and sold Wholesale and Retail, at his Bookstore. Read more in this article by Cathy Hellier, Historian, Department of Historical Research, The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. ]
Pewter ornaments depicting the Elder Grey Meeting House and other historic buildings of Waterboro are being sold for $10 each as a fundraiser by the Waterborough Historical Society. These ornaments will be available for purchase at our annual Pilgrimage Service in August.
For more information, please contact us at info@eldergrey.org.