Restoration, Repairs and Vandalism
Major Restoration Phase One: Thanks to a $7,500 grant from the Morton-Kelly charitable Trust, a $5,000 grant from the Narragansett Number One Foundation, three gifts from local donors (one of $5,000, one of $1,000 and a third of $100), and a $7,500 grant from the Davis Family Foundation, Phase One of major restoration plans has been completed. Ed Somers of Bridgton reset the stone piers under the main floor joists, stabilized the foot of a twisted rafter and refastened the exterior trim around the roofing. In addition, after consultation with a structural engineer, he re-fastened the ceiling joists that had moved out of position, then re-attached the ceiling to the framing. To contribute towards this project, please visit our donation page.
Windows and Sign: All fourteen windows have been restored by Steven Vincent of Sanford. Biddeford Savings, Sanford Institution for Savings and ten individuals “adopted a window” at $250 per window, generously covering the cost. The large sign over the front doors was removed, and not a day too soon, as Vincent reported that there had been only one nail still securing the sign to the front of the building. A new sign, precisely replicating the old sign, was constructed by Gary Burpee, also of Sanford.
About the Vandalized Windows: Although we have no record of the vandalism, the Association does have a list of "those who gave for the fix up of the Old Gray Meeting House" dated October 27, 1924. ... As Steve Vincent worked on restoring the windows, he noted that along the hidden edge of the frame is the lettering, "J.G. Deering & Son, Biddeford." Read more > >

Restoration Update May 2021 ~ Restoring the Bead Board Ceiling: The beginning of Phase Two of the restoration that started in 2018 is underway. In May, highly trained workers with Octagon Cleaning & Restoration began the removal of coats of shellac, calcimine, and paint from the ceiling that had been applied over many years. Pictures and details here >>