Bicentennial Celebration – August 3-6, 2006
The sight of the iconic 200-year-old building always lifts my spirits, and I look forward each year
to hearing the bell ring, calling us all back home.— Margaret Downs, NYC.
On Sunday, August 7, 2016 - a lovely day with breezes drifting through the open windows - the annually scheduled Pilgrimage Service was held at the Elder Grey Meeting House. It was a special observance of the 90th anniversary of the first service in 1926.
Rev. Todd Glacy, with song and sermon, spoke on "Remembering." He used as an example of life's challenges the moving of the Meeting House to the top of the ridge in 1832. And, yes, the men and oxen did not achieve their initial intent to site the Meeting House another mile or so distant. But their "failure" to move it forward resulted in its present lovely setting enjoyed for nearly 185 years. Our life's "failures" might be viewed likewise.
A 90th Anniversary cake was served.
Remembrances & Reflections, a brochure containing a collection of Elder Grey Pilgrimage Service memories submitted by twelve people, was distributed. . . .more here
Rudge family members were special guests this year. Bill and Beverly Rudge live in Clinton, New York, and their son and his husband, Prof. David Rudge and Bob Hallaway, live in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Beverly and David are descended from several North Waterboro families including that of Eligood Mills buried in the Elder Grey Cemetery. Beverly's great aunt, Fannie Mills McDaniel, spoke at the first Pilgrimage Service in 1926.